If one believed everything on the Internet, Masonry would probably get a very low grade- its teachings supposedly emerging from a very terrible place, from a world of spiritual negativity and a desire for world domination. Not believing this is true- and that Masonry was getting a rather bad rap from many different sources, hungry to assign blame for the political and social ravages we are experiencing today, Threshold Radio asked for a true insider to help. For what if, for some like my guest, Integrative Physician, Dr. Hugo Rodier, Masonry is more of a solution- rather than a problem- as it was for George Washington and many other of our Founding Fathers? Maybe we should pay more attention when things are labelled so eagerly and so securely. Before we join in a cry of conspiracy, maybe we should take a good look.!
Johnny Blue Star, , Threshold Radio, Albert Pike, Alchemy, Astrology, Cathars, Dr Hugo Rodier, George Washington, Gut health, Hermetic Health, Hermetic Science, Integrative Health, Johnny Blue Star, Joint Pain Solution, Knights Templar, Masonic Aprion, Masonic Degrees, Masonic Teachings, Masonry, Masons, Nutrition, Rituals, Switching Off Chronic Disease, Temple of Solomon, The American Revolution, The Illuminati, Threshold Radio, 0