September 13, 2021

It is common for many people to feel very secure at our “recovering economy”- but there are many who are not so comfortably persuaded. To be sure, one way or the other, the issues are complex- and as we speak, Congress is creating enormous expenditures covered by the Federal Reserve which continually assures us that their prodigious printing of money will not do much to disturb the economy- just a trickle or two of inflation. Still, as hard as it is to belie the comfort we feel, I believe it is our duty to ourselves and our families- to look at all major issues and disputes regarding our nation’s political and economic guardians.

David Morgan is a high-priced consultant with a keen eye for various markets- but particularly known for silver. But here he examines the dangers we all face in the financial crisis which many feel they are facing. Is it true that we better look at our money in banks very carefully and prepare for some major changes in our banks and in our lives..

Banks to Seize Your Money in Coming Financial Crisis Warns David Morgan

I do believe in gold as a safe haven although it is probably the most manipulated commodity on Planet Earth. The problem is that its price is suppressed as a matter of course- as it is with silver. Still, many believe that when push comes to shove- and the stock market finally crashes- and so many other assets are in jeopardy, gold will come along in a big way.

Gold faces an existential crisis: Why buy it when stocks, other metals, outperformed? Kai Hoffmann

Probably my single most area of concern is the Central Banks actualization of their own digital currency. Will this be used in social media- to provide gains for compliance with the official narrative and wishes of the government as social media does in China? Lynette Zang, whose video follows, is one of the most shrewd, clear and compassionate spokesman for economic justice I have come across.

THE NEXT WEALTH TRAP: Programmable Central Bank Digital Currencies…by LYNETTE ZANG


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