We have come across lightening in comic books in a variety of ways. In the case of Thor, it was not a mode of transformation but a way of striking his opponents.We have come across lightening in comic books in a variety of ways. In the case of Thor, it was not a mode of transformation but a way of striking his opponents. One part of a comic book page says, “Thor has a strong affinity with the forces of weather and acting as a conduct can channel Mjolnir’s powers through himself allowing him to summon lighting from his hands.” (Mjolnir is Thor’s Hammer). This was his first appearance.

In our last episode, we have seen how lightening, when summoned by Billy Batson, when calling out the word, SHAZAM, turned him to an adult Superhero.

The Flash is another comic book hero connected to lightening. In this case, it is a question of origin as described in a DC fandom article (https://dc.fandom.com/wiki/Flash_Origins).

“Jason Peter Garrick is a college student prior to 1940 (later retconned to 1938) who accidentally inhales hard water vapors after falling asleep in his laboratory where he had been working (later stories would change this to heavy water vapors). As a result, he finds that he can run at superhuman speed and has similarly fast reflexes (retcons imply the inhalation simply activated a latent metagene). After a brief career as a college football star, he dons a red shirt with a lightning bolt and a stylized metal helmet with wings (based on images of the Roman God, Mercury) and begins to fight crime as the Flash.”

Here’s the first time the Flash appeared in a Silver Age Edition.


But to show you the preponderous of superheroes infused with lightening powers, here’s an article on CBR called the 20 Best Electrically Powered Heroes in Comics (if these are only the best, how many actually are there?



 What follows shortly is one of the most extraordinary movies I have ever seen. It is the true story of Dannion Brinkley, based on his book, Saved By the Light, made in 1995.

Near death experiences are no longer new In an article in Scientific American in May of 2024 (https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/lifting-the-veil-on-near-death-experiences/)  It says.

“Near-death experiences have been reported across time and cultures. An astounding 5 to 10 percent of the general population is estimated to have memories of an NDE, including somewhere between 10 and 23 percent of cardiac arrest survivors. A growing number of scholars now accept NDEs as a unique mental state that can offer novel insights into the nature of consciousness. “Now, clearly, we don’t question anymore the reality of near-death experiences,” says Charlotte Martial, a neuroscientist at the University of Liège in Belgium. “People who report an experience really did experience something.”

This is true, but Dannion Brinkley was the first modern public figure to present his Near Death Experience (NDE) to the public. And this is his story, a story which was the beginning of the modern era, which for many, was an entirely new approach to understanding death.


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