
Integrative View of Weight Gain
November 12, 2016 by
Hugo Rodier, MD

Integrative view of weight gain

People will do anything to lose weight. Unfortunately, they seldom hear about critical issues that—if left unattended—will lead to failure. For example, you and I may eat the same amount of calories, but, if your gut bacteria are out to lunch you may gain weight and I won’t. So, even antibiotics have been shown to alter your metabolism. But, there are other neglected mechanisms whereby our Microbiome may mess with your scales:

  1. Detoxification of chemicals in the environment we now refer to as OBESOGENS

The glut flora has the same—and equal—capacity to detoxify said chemicals.

  1. Unfortunately, many Americans have what we call FATTY LIVER, thus compromising the proper elimination of chemicals from our body.

So much for calories in = calories out.

The answer is clear: restore health and balance to your gut flora, avoid chemicals, exercise, and get full with a plant-based diet. Eliminate process food and stop counting calories and weighing yourself. Above all, avoid quacks who will give you hormones to lose weight.

Unfortunately, there is one more neglected issue: our inner-demons. Most people cannot do the above because they are struggling with childhood issues that have resulted in poor self-esteem and poor mind programming that may lead to addicting behaviors. If this is the case with you, seek professional help.


 Exposure to air pollution may increase glucose intolerance, research suggests

The New York Times (9/21, Bakalar, Subscription Publication) reports, “Exposure to air pollution…may increase glucose intolerance,” researchers found. Investigators also “found the effect particularly strong in people who are already considered prediabetic because of abnormally high blood sugar levels.” The findings of the 2,944-participant study were published in the Journal Diabetes.

Population attributable risks and costs of diabetogenic chemical exposures in the elderly, J Epidemiol Community Health doi:10.1136/jech-2016-208006

Background A previous analysis examined the contribution of endocrine disruptor exposures (endocrine-disrupting chemicals, EDCs) to adult diabetes, but was limited to effects of phthalates in middle-aged women and did not simultaneously examine multiple EDCs which are known to coexist in the environment. We therefore endeavoured to quantify potential reductions in diabetes and disease costs that could result from reducing synthetic chemical diabetogenic exposures in the elderly in Europe.

Methods We leveraged the Prospective Investigation of the Vasculature in Uppsala Seniors (PIVUS) study (∼1000 participants), which has measured exposure to phthalates; dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethylene; polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and perfluoroalkyl substances to examine their independent contribution to diabetes. We estimated risk reductions assuming identical 25% reductions across levels of 4 selected compounds (PCB 153, monoethylphthalate, dichlorodiphenyldichloroethylene and perfluorononanoic acid), and diabetes costs saved in European men and women if diabetogenic exposures are limited.

Results Reduction of chemical exposures was associated with a 13% (95% CI 2% to 22%) reduction in prevalent diabetes, compared with 40% resulting from an identical (25%) reduction in body mass index (BMI) in cross-sectional analyses. Extrapolating to Europe, 152 481 cases of diabetes in Europe and €4.51 billion/year in associated costs could be prevented, compared with 469 172 cases prevented by reducing BMI.

Conclusions These findings support regulatory and individual efforts to reduce chemical exposures to reduce the burden and costs of diabetes.

Heritability of high sugar consumption through drinks and the genetic correlation with substance use

Am J Clin Nutr 2016 104: 1144.The positive association between high sugar consumption and high substance use was partly due to unique environmental factors (e.g., social situations). Genetic factors were also of influence, suggesting that neuronal circuits underlying the development of addiction and obesity are related.

Use of Antibiotics and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes: A Population-Based Case-Control Study Epub August 27 2015 DOI:




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