Today, we are beginning a series investigating the movies and modern video series featuring Superheroes, a multi-billion-dollar business that grew out of a handful of colored pieces of paper. Of course, there is a long history even behind the emergence of the comic book but, in many cases, it was a sophisticated jump from comics to the old TV and radio series. Finally then to the incredible and complex SFX and cinemaphotography of a major film series, as well as to the equally sophisticated TV series, Smallwood.
And what is interesting about these latter products is not just the new formats, but the efforts made to evolve and even improve the story. But, oddly enough, with all this incredible media manifestation, it can also lead to some interesting speculation of the relationship, of the Superhero concept, if any. to the real world. Comic book genius, Stan Lee, founder of the Fantastic Four and the X-Men, among many other major comic book figures, may not have been the first to discover that what resembled super powers had somehow been imparted to real human beings, but he was probably the first to document it in detail in his fantastic YouTube series, Superhumans. But I believe this seeming reality- can be extended further and can encompass both spirituality and science- and may, to many, even signify the Next Development of Man. Does this speculation encompass us flying around in capes, saving the world from all criminality and saving whole planets from destruction. Not necessarily. But maybe something else.
Is there the possibility that much of this modern-day mythology may contain clues to mankind’s future in an emerging concept of spirituality, driven on by media access to hundreds of people’s experiences in the testimonies of those who have had Near Death Experiences as well as many who have had these visionary experiences in their daily life, now and in the rich past of spiritual manifestation throughout history.
But before we get too far ahead of ourselves, here’s an announcement about the next Superman feature film by Steve Shivas and a glimpse of the first famous Superman actor, George Reeves:
In this series we will explore some of these explorations as we take a close look at the phenomena of Superheroes in media.
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